Hey hey,
Well as of today I have 50 days left on my mission. Honestly it feels CRAZY! Like I feel like it's just crazy talk and that it's not real haha. So with that being said, I try not to think about it. But what I find even crazier is that tomorrow is my 17 MONTH MARK! (Jaw drop lol) honestly What. The. Heck. Hahah, I remember like it was yesterday getting dropped off at the mtc. I remember perfectly when I was 2 months out. And I remember talking to missionaries who were where I am now and thinking I'll never make it. Well, here I am. Haha. Bam, just like that I woke up and I'm almost at the finish line. It's been the longest, hardest race of my life but I've also had the most amazing experiences out here and I'm just so grateful for all the things I've learned and had the opportunity to go through. I'm such a different person and I like to think a better person, and I'm really thankful for the person Heavenly Father has molded me to be. And I know that He will keep molding me as I live the gospel. This is definitely a gospel of growth and change and hope. And so much more. I love it!
Alright so today has been a good day so far, besides it pouring all day long. Lol. We went to get our hair trimmed and the lady went a little crazy and now I feel like I look like Tarzan... seriously hahahah. I'll have to fix my hair before I send pictures of it up close lol. Then after that we went grocery shopping and then we went to get our toes done!:) it was so awesome! Felt so so good and now my toes look so much better! It was pretty bad before! Haha. The people were so funny though. They were crazy and all over the place. Then the lady offered to take the picture and then she wanted me to show her the pictures she took hahah. So she was yelling at me, "show me picture! (Add Asian accent), MORE!" Then she would chuckle then yell "MORE" hahah. It was really funny. So that was really nice and very much needed:)
So rewind to last week, Monday night we went to visit K (the one that came to church and asked about being baptized! We had a really good visit with her and she said she wants to be baptized July 7th so we put her on date:) it was so great! It was also a hard moment for me because I never thought I would get to the point of putting someone on date for a day that I won't be on my mission. How freaky. I can't even imagine what I will be doing by then but it's weird. Anyway, that was really exciting Monday night!
Tuesday, ehh it was a hard day. It was pouring all day long, go figure. Lol. In the morning we had district Meeting and Sister Carrisoza and I get called on randomly to give the restoration and usually we have time to practice for this but not this time. I was nervous but I've done this like a million times so it honestly wasn't so bad. Sister Carrisoza had a laughing attack in the middle of it though so that was awkward haha.
After district meeting we were in a weird mood, like a funk, and we couldn't get out of it. It was a rough afternoon honestly. Our lessons kept canceling and it was really annoying. And I was so mad because our lesson with one of our new investigators, D, wasn't home. So that was a huge bummer. And the rain was only making the day more depressing. So the four of us sisters went to take a mental break and they got fro yo. I just sat and enjoyed my time to think. Also enjoyed the music that the place was playing. It made me happy when a song came on that I knew, and it made me happier when I still remembered the words. Gives me hope that I won't be completely lost when I go back to the real world. Haha.
That evening we went to ARP with a less active we are working with. It was so good! I think everyone should go to ARP regardless of having an addiction. It's very helpful and gives lots of hope. I enjoyed it!
Wednesday night we started this new thing in our Ward with the other sisters and it's a Book of Mormon study class. I sent y'all a picture of who came. So basically it's just like a Sunday school class, we study a chapter of the Book of Mormon every week. We take turns teaching the class with the other sisters and everyone is welcomed. We are really excited to see how it goes. We've talked to a few members and they seem excited about it too. And it was so great because R came and he was really excited and participated. It was good!
Thursday, not really an exciting day. Omg but that night. Ugh. I'm pretty sure that me and my companion got food poisoning because towards the end of our dinner appointment my tummy felt like it was getting stabbed over and over and it was cramping and I was dying. We get in the car and both of us are almost in tears because we both were feeling the same thing. So we ran home to use the restroom but it didn't help at all. We both were still so sick. But we had some lessons so we figure we will go and just make them short lessons. So we drive to our first lesson and they canceled. Then we decide to go to our next lesson early and they weren't home so we decided Heavenly Father was telling us we needed to take care of ourselves so we went home and rested so we could at least be somewhat productive. I felt lazy so I needed to feel like I wasn't giving up. Haha that's the real missionary in me coming out. Anyway, it was a long night and I'm glad it didn't last long. Oh and it was weird because dinner wasn't even bad. We had salad with pasta and some spicy shredded chicken. Maybe it was too spicy? Idk lol.
Friday, we had our relief society anniversary dinner and we got there early to help them set up and we kept asking them how we could help but they basically ignored us and never told us what to do. I was so mad, here we were trying to help, literally we would have don't anything and nothing. It was very rude honestly. I just felt like I didn't matter to them. But the dinner part was nice. Had a pretty good turn out!
Saturday nothing too exciting happen, oh except that the rain went away in the afternoon and the sun came out!!! It was sooo beautiful! I loved it! And Sunday it was super nice outside too! It didn't rain at all!!!! I was so happy!
But Saturday night we had a lesson with R at the church with Brother O and Brother D. Haha it was pretty funny so I had to take a picture to send to y'all. My Saturday night consisted of a bunch of old men haha. It was cute.
Well that's pretty much my week! I still love this gospel and I'm so thankful for repentance. We had a good lesson with a man this week about repentance and it's really a blessing we have! We get the chance to grow and change ever single week as we take the bread and water. I love Heavenly Fathers perfect plan and the scriptures that teach us. I've had some pretty awesome passages come into my life and they are just amazing! I know that they are inspired and that we can learn so much from them!
I miss you guys so much
And I love y'all to the moon and back!!!!!
Don't forget to remember me;)
"Have faith, have hope, live like His Son, help others on their way."
Sister Batey
Getting their toes done...
Book of Mormon class...
Happy as the sun is out...
The "old men" that were at the activity.
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